Jayden L’s 100 Word Challenge

Pepper And The Crocodile


I’m thirsty said pepper, than go to the lake said the orange angrily, pepper hated the orange but she didn’t say anything, so pepper went to the lake. Suddenly she saw something moving than; she had an idea so she went back home and told orange to come. When they were at the lake, pepper told orange to go down the lake, so when orange went down the lake, snap orange got eaten by a crocodile! This made pepper happy and soft then she forgot that she was thirsty so she drank then snap! she got eaten by the crocodile.

Campbell’s 100 Word Challenge

An orange crocodile forgot his pepper and his really soft pillow. He had forgotten his stuff for the sneeze party wouldn’t be able to make any one sneeze because he forgot his pepper. He can’t even play pillow fight so his mum came to pick him up.  “How was your day?” said mum. “Not good I forgot my pepper and pillow” said croc. The croc wished he had not forgotten his pepper and pillow. So he lay in bed for about 3 hours. Soon he came out with his head down, had dinner and went to bed. Thanks for reading :)

Quigley’s 100 Word Challenge

100 word challenge

Once there was a soft, orange, crocodile. The crocodile was allergic to pepper. He’d always forget he was allergic to pepper. One day the crocodile forgot where he was going and he got lost in the forest. He looked around to find a way out, but he forgot which way he went in the forest. Eventually he got tired and couldn’t walk any further. He passed out and when he woke up he was back near the lake and then he realized that it was all a dream.

Written by Quigley

Adele’s 100 Word Challenge

Yummy Dinner

There’s a soft orange crocodile and I thought it would be yummy to eat. So I decided to cook it and I forgot to put pepper in the pot so it could taste yummy! I finally put the pepper in the pot and I had crocodile for dinner with pepper on it. I was playing a game outside when a crocodile jumped out of nowhere with a soft orange in its mouth it and wanted to play ball with me. I found another orange and played with the crocodile.

Dakota’s 100 Word Challenge

There once was an orange crocodile Named Marty. Everyone forgot about him this made his soft little heart break. No one came to play, chat race nothing at all. So when the mean kids came they would throw eggs at the crocodile.  He ate dinner by himself his friends would all ways eat pepper steak and salad with him. One morning, they came back. “Ally, John, Ben, Sara” “Where were you”. “We were at the fair silly did you forget” said Ally. “I guess I fell asleep or I was daydreaming”? “Silly Marty said Sara”


Sebastian’s 100 Word Challenge


Once there was an orange crocodile that lived in a soft mushroom house. He was going to a party with his son called Pepper. He and his son got ready and then they set off.

“Dad can we go to the comic book store?” asked Pepper.


So the crocodile waited, until he looked at his watch and it was time to go. He heard his car door open. That must be Pepper thought the orange crocodile, so he went to the party. When he got there suddenly realized something when he looked behind himself. “Oh no! I’ve forgot Pepper!”


Thomas’ 100 Word Challenge

One day a scary, hungry, mean crocodile live in the swamp. His son did not like eating meat he only liked oranges. When Daddy Crocodile saw him eating oranges he said “Eww! That’s disgusting son, why would you eat that? I’m going to go hunting” Daddy Crocodile said then he stepped on soft ??? then he kick it away. He went to town find some delicious children to eat. Suddenly he remembered, “I forgot the pepper! But who really cares?” Daddy Crocodile saw two children that were playing with a ball. When he went up to them one of them started screaming “AHHHHH! It’s a crocodile!” Then a giant hippo came and saved the day. BY THOMAS J 


Joshua’s 100 Word Challenge

The orange pepper

The crowds cheered for semi-final 100m sprint winner, Erik or as they call him the “Soft Crocodile”. The prize was a bag full of orange pepper or a handful of cash, $1,000,000. Erik wanted the prize so badly. Next up was the finals and he was ready to run. BANG!! The gun went and he felt like a millionaire. Oops, he forgot his drink! Never mind, he kept going. He came here to race the fastest runner Usain Bolt. Usain was running first and Erik was running second, BOOF! The rope broke, Usain won and Erik cried.

Kalliopi’s 100 Word Challenge

On a sunny day, Kim went outside to play her favourite sport. Her favourite sport was playing soft ball outside. She and her friends heard a sound in the forest so they went they went through the forest and saw an orange house.  They went in.   The house was very dark and spooky so they opened the light. And saw a girl. They were terrified and in the little girl’s hand was a teddy bear crocodile. When we went home, she told me that her teddy’s name was Forgot and her name was Pepper. Now she is my sister.

Nicos’ 100 Word Challenge

There was a boy named Chris. He was only 8 years old. He couldn’t wait until tomorrow because it is was his birthday. He really wanted a new toy which shoots soft Styrofoam bullets. In the morning he couldn’t wait for his present and was disappinted when instead, he got a plush orange, crocodile toy and pepper for his birthday. When he got to school, his friends had forgotten about his birthday so they gave him books. He didn’t like them and threw them away. The next day his mum and dad bought him what he especially wanted.