Welcome to 4 W

I hope that you are all ready and excited about being in year 4! What a great start to the year, everyone is settled and work has begun 🙂 Please remember to read the RULES AND ETIQUETTE page! We have gone through this in class and we will revisit it regularly, but it is always a good idea to refresh your memory. I will post links to fun and educational sites on here often and we will be adding to our class blog throughout the year. Homework will be uploaded as will our class letter.

Make sure you go back and peruse the previous posts as there are some fun things to see and do 🙂 Have fun exploring!

What’s going into our food?

This was our ‘Reading Group’ activity from week 3, term 4:

Before you watch the vision, think about the following questions.  You do not need to answer them ALL, but think about them as you watch and consider them in your comment. 

  1. How do markets make food more exciting or ‘appealing’?
  2. Where can you find nutritional information about the product you’re buying?
  3. What should you look out for on the labeling on the product?
  4. What is MSG?
  5. What do additives do to the food they’re in?
  6. What effect do additives have on children?
  7. What differences does eating healthily have on children?
  8. Why doesn’t the government provide more warnings about additives?
  9. What do you think ‘hard evidence’ is?
  10. Will your food choices change since after viewing this investigation? Why or why not?

Click here and enlarge the footage to find out more information about what is in the food we eat.

Where is the Love? Term 4 assembly item

This is the original music video to ‘Where is the Love’.  On the Friday the 27th of October 5/4 W presented their assembly item. It was a class created music video to ‘Where is the Love’. The students enjoyed creating visual images to tell a story and will soon have a momento of the project to keep. Until they have their own copy of our version of the video, here is the original to view / listen to.


Homework Term 4

I have attached the homework matrix and instructions for students to use.  This will also be glued into their homework books.  I have also attached the instructions for homework this term as the spelling section has changed.  Please read the instructions as this will explain the new spelling cycle and also visit the Super Spellers page as this will give you more information.  Homework options will also be explained to students in class.  Please note that homework is due on Fridays and if students are finishing early perhaps they could do another task from the matrix.  There are also links to educational games on this site that will assist students’ learning.

Term 4 homework matrix

Homework instructions